Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a normal response to stressful situations that can trigger our fight, flight or freeze response, but for some people, anxiety can be crippling. Persistent and excessive anxiety is typically classified as an anxiety disorder. There are many anxiety disorders, including generalized, social, panic disorders, and specific phobias. Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways, both physical and emotional.

The Need for Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment for anxiety disorders allows for intensive support and is designed for those who require a higher level of care. Several signs may indicate that inpatient treatment for anxiety is the path to take:

  • Overwhelming fear and phobias
  • Impaired daily functioning
  • Distressing and frequent panic attacks
  • Physical health problems
  • Neglected self-care
  • Isolation and avoidance
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Anger and irritability

The Prisma Recovery Center Approach

At Prisma Recovery Center, we recognize the intricate dynamics of anxiety disorders and their profound effects on individuals’ lives. Our specialized inpatient treatment program for anxiety is designed to address your unique needs. We have crafted an immersive and healing environment for inpatient anxiety treatment.

Holistic Treatment Methods

We focus on holistic treatment methods that address the mind, body, and spirit. Our firm belief is in treating the whole person to offer lasting benefits from anxiety treatment, not just managing the symptoms when they become unbearable. We intertwine this approach with evidence-based and scientific methods like cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical-behavior therapy, trauma therapy, and more through an individualized treatment plan.

Personalized Care

Everyone’s journey to healing from anxiety is unique. That’s why we provide personalized treatment plans for each person to ensure they have the best chance at recovery. We tailor your treatment plan to meet your unique needs and goals.

24/7 Support and Care

Our center has on-site staff daily, so you’ll have access to round-the-clock support from our caring and compassionate staff. We prioritize your comfort and well-being to offer you the best care while in treatment.

Collaborative Treatment Approach

The power of collaboration in treatment is unmatched. Our care team comprises psychiatrists, therapists, counselors, and other specialists. Our multidisciplinary approaches allow us to provide all-encompassing and compassionate care to treat each facet of your anxiety disorder. 

Modalities of Treatment

Within our inpatient treatment program for anxiety, we integrate diverse therapeutic approaches to foster healing and rehabilitation. These include individual, group, and family therapy sessions, art therapy, mindfulness practices, and additional modalities. We aim to empower you with a toolkit of skills and coping mechanisms adaptable to real-world scenarios.

Relapse Prevention

Management of anxiety disorders is an ongoing and ever-changing process. We emphasize the importance of episode prevention. While there may be minor set backs, we aim to equip you with the tools and coping mechanisms necessary to quickly recover from potential setbacks.

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